Saturday, June 29, 2013

Okay so I haven't posted anything in along while,sorry about that I was helping Richard move.Anyway while we were moving,her brother Jay introduced me to this new web site,and he showed me all they're videos and so now her and her brother and me check out the web site every week to see whats new and alots been happing  since then,Richard broke up with Zack,now her bestfriend and co-song writer Annie is going out with him.WOW!Big shocker right?I know it was for me it took me two days to process it,but I'm still trying to get use to the idea of Annie dating Zack,so is Richard keep in mind that her and Annie are still bestfriends even though she's dating Zack.But it's still been along time since I've last talked to you guys it good to be back,BIG shout out to the 14 viewers in the Phillippiines hope to return home there soon,love you tita Alma,and tito Degoy!Hope to visit you soon,Richard said hi and Lisa misses Princess and Big Shoe too and ni said mahnkita too!And also BIG,BIG shout out to the 9 viewers in Germany too!I love ya'll and I love Germany and German people too so BIG shout out to you all!

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