Wednesday, September 4, 2013


okay so this is almost a very seriouse siuation,cause appaerntly Adrea's older brother Matthew got into a car crash about four minutes ago and the doctors said it doesnt look good.So right now her bio dad is on his way to West Virginia to pick up her oldest brother Sam who is currently at the West Virginia police department waiting to be picked up cause her mom or as she likes to call her "mum" cant go and pick him up from the WVA police station.But her father is on the way to pick him up and to go see Matthew in the hospital befor they transfer him down to the Fort Myers hospital down in Florida where it would be easier to check up on him and where he would have alot more reconizable faces for when he wakes up from the acoma that they're going to put him in inorder to transport him without him fussing and feeling alot of pain too.Any ways PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE PUT HER IN YOUR PRAYERS AND THOUGHTS!Cause after what she's heard she's gonna need someone looking out and thinking about her and knowing that you all will be thinking about her will help her smile just alittle bit,but jjust,just alittle bit.THANK YOU!

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