Thursday, January 16, 2014


Happy new years everyone sorry i'm late,but i hope you all had a great Christmas and a very merry new year and everything!How many of you all are happy it's finally 2014?!We will make it through another good year and as Celine Dion once sang "Let's hope it's a good one with out any fear!"okay so let's recap and see what's gone on in the last year, we now have Obama care (I'm not discriminating aginst anyone.),we've had the first goverment shutdown since the depression and we have alot of goodbyes to make people.
Goodbyes to:
Pual walker
Nelson Mandela
Peter O'Toole
 Joan fontaine
Esther Williams
Elmore Leonard
Tom Clancy
Richard Matherson
Patti Page
Patty Andrews
Eydie Gorme
Jean Stapleton
Bonnie Franklin
Conrad Bain
Lou Reed
Ray Manzarek
Alvin Lee
James Ganolfini
.R.I.P. guys our hearts go out to your family and friends.
Also it has now been five years since our beloved singer The King Of Pop Michael Jackson passed on,I'd like for you all to atleast think of him and keep him in your thoughts and mind expecially in your heart it would give his son and daughter comfort to know that they're fathr still lives on in the hearts of many people.

                                          HAPPY NEW YEARS!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

OMG!I'm so happy for Adrea, they found her dad in time.Like in four hours of the give up time on searching for her dad!How lucky is she?!How many peoples' dads go missing in action and are found four hours before the give up time?Thank god they found her dad,I was about to call them military people up and cuss them out, I was about to be like "NO son yuo is gonna find my BFF's dad,IDGAF what the give u time is,IDGAF if you all pass the give up time you is gonna stay out there all god damn year until you find her dad bitch!" Yo when it comes to my BFF's family I dont mess around son  cuase them bitches were as nice as hell to me when I ran away from home and I respect them alot,even Felix and anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to me and Felix it's literaully "HELL ON EARTH" and for me to have alot of respect for him then you know that they are really nice people,honest to god nice,kind people unlike all them fake ugly ass bitches you see now a days at the walmart!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Chancellor people

Okay so you all know the famouse middle school Chancellor right?Well I want all you people who go to Chancellor or use to go to Chancellor to go to this web address and post your Chancellor pride!
Good luck and hope to see your pride!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


okay so this is almost a very seriouse siuation,cause appaerntly Adrea's older brother Matthew got into a car crash about four minutes ago and the doctors said it doesnt look good.So right now her bio dad is on his way to West Virginia to pick up her oldest brother Sam who is currently at the West Virginia police department waiting to be picked up cause her mom or as she likes to call her "mum" cant go and pick him up from the WVA police station.But her father is on the way to pick him up and to go see Matthew in the hospital befor they transfer him down to the Fort Myers hospital down in Florida where it would be easier to check up on him and where he would have alot more reconizable faces for when he wakes up from the acoma that they're going to put him in inorder to transport him without him fussing and feeling alot of pain too.Any ways PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE PUT HER IN YOUR PRAYERS AND THOUGHTS!Cause after what she's heard she's gonna need someone looking out and thinking about her and knowing that you all will be thinking about her will help her smile just alittle bit,but jjust,just alittle bit.THANK YOU!
okay so school started two days ago and Richard's twin sister Adrea started school at Thornburg Middle while Richard is down in Ohio attending school at Mindel Swinds Middle in Capitan city.Any who so far Adrea has ran into her xboyfriend Briant and by what I have seen so far it looks like Adrea and Briant have alot of tight tension between him,but on the plus side Adrea has alot of friends that have been relocated from Chancellor to Thornburg along with her so she's not entirely blocked off from CMS but she's still stuck in the same school as Briant still.So I'd like to hear what you all did for summer I love to hear what you people from all over the world do in your time off from school!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Okay so I haven't posted anything in along while,sorry about that I was helping Richard move.Anyway while we were moving,her brother Jay introduced me to this new web site,and he showed me all they're videos and so now her and her brother and me check out the web site every week to see whats new and alots been happing  since then,Richard broke up with Zack,now her bestfriend and co-song writer Annie is going out with him.WOW!Big shocker right?I know it was for me it took me two days to process it,but I'm still trying to get use to the idea of Annie dating Zack,so is Richard keep in mind that her and Annie are still bestfriends even though she's dating Zack.But it's still been along time since I've last talked to you guys it good to be back,BIG shout out to the 14 viewers in the Phillippiines hope to return home there soon,love you tita Alma,and tito Degoy!Hope to visit you soon,Richard said hi and Lisa misses Princess and Big Shoe too and ni said mahnkita too!And also BIG,BIG shout out to the 9 viewers in Germany too!I love ya'll and I love Germany and German people too so BIG shout out to you all!

Friday, May 10, 2013

boyfriend troubles

Okay so you all know about Richard and how her and her boyfriend "broke up",but accually they staged it becuase of a dare that Goodrick made Zack do. So they've been